Many labor law questions are answered by the computer. We answer all the others.
With more than 30 years of experience, we can help you where knowledge of the subject matter is no longer sufficient, but where experience, a view beyond one's own nose and the willingness to leave well-trodden paths are required. We do not even list the labor law problems that we can help you solve. There are simply all of them. Trust us.
Contact us here
- Right of termination
- Restructuring
- Social plan
- Management Consulting
- Employment contract law
- Flexibilization of working time
- Company agreements
- Anti-discrimination
- Parental part-time work
- Employment contract law
- Flexibilization of working time
- Company agreements
- Anti-discrimination
- Parental part-time work
- Works council activity
- Personnel Leasing
- Data protection law
- Company pension law
- Company law
- Works council activity
- Personnel Leasing
- Data protection law
- Company pension law
- Company law
- Teleworking
- Premium regulation
- European Works Council
- Start-Up
National and international rankings regularly place us among the top law firms in employment law. However, the most important reference for us is and remains the satisfaction of our clients.