"Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines"

Enzo Ferrari

Dr. Roland Gerlach, LL.M (LSE)

Roland Gerlach's specialization began at ski lodges, where employment law seminars were held at the time, which made them much more attractive than other courses. In the meantime, 40 years have passed and his loyalty to employment law (and skiing) has remained. His specialization covers every conceivable employment law problem in judicial and extrajudicial advice and representation. In addition to large and medium-sized companies, his clients primarily include managing directors, board members and large works councils. Decades of presence in international networks, at international conferences (as a speaker and listener) and as Austria's representative on the board of the European Employment Lawyers Association have enabled him to build up a wide network of first-class international law firms, which also guarantees the highest quality of advice and representation in cross-border matters. His specialization in company pension scheme issues also ensures that his area of practice does not end with the termination of the employment relationship.

Roland Gerlach has done everything you would expect from a highly specialized employment lawyer. He has published, lectured in Austria and internationally, negotiated contracts, works agreements, collective agreements, represented large and small cases in court, dealt with employment law problems on the committee of the Vienna Bar Association, represented Austria in the European Employment Law Association and his law firm has trained many lawyers who are successful in employment law today. Decades of top rankings in all major publications (Chambers, Legal 500, Who is Who Legal, Trend) complete the picture.
On 1 January 2025, Roland Gerlach was also appointed a judge for professional law for lawyers at the Supreme Court in Austria.

Top tier rankings in all major guides (Chambers, Legal 500, Who is Who Legal) complete the picture.

Languages: German, English

Chambers Europe 2024 (Employment) Volume 1

Prominent practitioner Roland Gerlach advises on a wide range of employment law issues including pension schemes, works council issues, restructuring-related advice and terminations. He is particularly noted for his experience in handling complex litigation and further acts on collective bargaining agreements.

"He is one of the strongest lawyers in Austria."

"For me, Roland Gerlach is exactly what we need. He has a high level of competence and foresight in the consultations, and is highly service oriented."

Legal 500 - EMEA 2024

"Roland Gerlach is one of the leading employment law lawyers in Austria. He is dedicated to identifying, designing, and successfully implementing legal solutions to disputes, with the best commercial interest of the client as an objective. His experience is unmatched and he works great with the team around him."

"Roland Gerlach: top labor law lawyer in Austria."

since 2011 Partner and founding partner at Gerlach Rechtsanwälte
2000 - 2001 Postgraduate studies LL.M. Labor Law at the London School of Economics
1993 - 2011 Partner and founding partner at Griesser - Gerlach - Gahleitner
1992 Bar exam with distinction
1988 - 1993 Trainee lawyer
1981 - 1986 Research assistant at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna
1986 - 1988 Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna with distinction
1981 - 1986 Bachelor and Master studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna
  • 2011 - 2024 Executive Committee of the Vienna Bar Association
  • 2009 - 2023 Representative of Austria on the Board of the European Employment Law Association
  • American Bar Association
  • European Bar Association
  • European Employment Law Association
  • Industrial Law Society
  • Hans Schmitz Society
Gerlach, Roland
Moser-Castan, Martin
Törõ-Govoreanu, Bence

Guide to Restructuring a Cross-Border Workforce, IEL Tools


Gerlach, Roland 2022

GesRZ 2022, 132: Supreme Court 3.8.2021, 8 Ob A 109/20t: On the liability of a managing director of a GmbHG pursuant to Section 25 GmbHG 

Fox, Erwin
Gerlach, Roland
Jungwirth, Branco

The current labor law in practice
FVH Forum Verlag, 2019
(loose-leaf collection & online)

#employment law #contract law

Muhri, Georg
Ertl, Peter
Gerlach, Roland
Norbert, Gries

Personal liability of managing directors, board members and supervisory board members
LINDE Verlag, 2019
Authors: Muhri/Ertl/Gerlach/Griesmayr,
ISBN: 978-3-707-33744-0 (2nd edition 2019)

#civil law #labor law #social law #management

Gerlach, Roland
Risak, Martin
Cupboard, Franz
Höfle, Wolfgang

Praxishandbuch Arbeitsvertragsgestaltung
LINDE Verlag, 2019
Authors: Gerlach/Risak/Schrank/Höfle,
ISBN: 978-3-7073-3795-2 (2nd edition 2019)

#civil law #labor law #contract law

Gerlach, Roland 2019

Company agreement, pension fund contract and business plan, in: Walter Schrammel (ed.), Betriebspensionsrecht (2015)

Gerlach, Roland

Commentary on the Salaried Employees Act
MANZ Verlag, 2017
Eds: Marhold/Burstaller/Preyer
ISBN: 978-3-214-08472-1 (also online)

#labor law #employees #commentary

Gerlach, Roland

Warning, termination and dismissal, 2015
FVH Forum Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-902617-42-2 (loose-leaf collection)

#employment law #termination #dismissal #contract law

Gerlach, Roland 2012

ZAS 2012/48: VfGH 4.3.2011, B 1338/10 "Mobbing-BV" not enforceable

Gerlach, Roland 2012

Commentary in Marhold/Burgstaller/Preyer (eds.), Salaried Employees Act (2012 ff) 

Gerlach, Roland 2010

ZAS 2010/43: OGH 1.4.2009, 9 Ob A 126/08g Training costs: Nullity in the absence of an aliquotation agreement

Gerlach, Roland 2008

ZAS 2008/10: OGH 18.4.2007, 8 Ob A 108/06z Temporary employment and works agreement 

Gerlach, Roland 2008

ecolex 2008, 796: Compulsory form in company pension law?

Gerlach, Roland 2006

ZAS 2006/11: Selected problems under works agreement law in the outsourcing of direct commitments

Gerlach, Roland 2004

Decision review ZAS 2004/23: OGH 19.12.2002, 8 Ob A 129/02g

Gerlach, Roland 2004

DRdA 2004, 221: Equal treatment and redistribution

Gerlach, Roland 2003

juridikum 2003, 103: Why labor law?

Gerlach, Roland 2003

Die Presse 2003/12/02: Liability for lack of information? A response to Georg Schima

Gerlach, Roland 2003

ZAS 2003/20: Contractual protection against dismissal and plant closure. On the OGH decision 9 Ob A 264/01s

Gerlach, Roland 2002

juridikum 2002, 116: Caught In the Trap - The law cannot take a neutral stance on the quality of a work of art. A replica

Gerlach, Roland 2002

DRdA 2002, 110: Bundesbahn-Pensionsgesetz: Der enteignete Dienstnehmer (together with Alexander Somek)

Gerlach, Roland 2002

Die Presse 2002/28/03: Does the new severance scheme lead to easier dismissal?

Gerlach, Roland 2002

ÖJZ 2002, 441: On the power of review of the civil courts pursuant to Art 89 para 2 B-VG (together with Alexander Somek)

Gerlach, Roland 2001

ecolex 2001, 131: New on the place of work?

Gerlach, Roland 2000

ZAS 2000/17 Decision review OGH 13.10.1999, 9 Ob A 205/99h 

Gerlach, Roland 2000

juridikum 2000, 74: The unjust labor law

Gerlach, Roland 2000

ecolex 2000, 135: Attractiveness and procedure

Gerlach, Roland 2000

RdW 2000/598: Equal treatment in the establishment of the employment relationship

Gerlach, Roland 2000

ecolex 2000, 588: The acceleration of labor court proceedings (together with Alexander Somek)

Gerlach, Roland 2000

ZAS 2000, 97: On the admissibility of exchange notices

Gerlach, Roland 2000

ASoK 2000, 265: On the pension law of ÖBB employees. A contribution to the current discussion

Gerlach, Roland 2000

Business trips by plane as a labor law problem in FS Cerny (2000)

Gerlach, Roland 1999

ZAS 1999, 75: On the employee's right of self-contestation

Gerlach, Roland 1999

ecolex 1999, 489: Once again: On the question of the assessment of declaratory relief under labor law 

Gerlach, Roland 1998

ecolex 1998, 647: On the question of the assessment of declaratory relief under labor law

Gerlach, Roland 1998

DRdA 1998/20 Decision review OGH 11.6.1997, 9 Ob A 185/97i 

Gerlach, Roland 1998

ASoK 1998, 269: Practical aspects of secondment law. Employment relationships abroad 

Gerlach, Roland 1998

ecolex 1998, 235: Contractual penalty and employment ban

Gerlach, Roland 1991

ecolex 1991, 554: Company climate analyses as an application of company surveys (together with Ursula Amon)

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